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Report No.

Investigation of dissimilar metal welds by energy-resolved neutron imaging

Tremsin, A. S.*; Ganguly, S.*; Meco, S. M.*; Pardal, G.*; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Bruce Feller, W.*

A nondestructive study of the internal structure and compositional gradient of dissimilar metal-alloy welds through energy-resolved neutron imaging is described in this paper. The presence of Bragg edges in the measured neutron transmission spectra can be used to characterize the internal residual strain within the samples and some microstructural features, while neutron resonance absorption provides the possibility to map the degree of uniformity in mixing of the participating alloys and intermetallic formation within the welds. This paper demonstrates the potential of neutron energy-resolved imaging to measure all these characteristics simultaneously in a single experiment with sub-mm spatial resolution.



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Category:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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