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Report No.

Evaluation of sorption behavior of selenide onto montmorillonite

Sugiura, Yuki  ; Tomura, Tsutomu*; Doi, Reisuke  ; Ishidera, Takamitsu ; Tachi, Yukio  

We carried out batch sorption and XAFS experiments in various solution conditions identifying the aqueous species to evaluate the sorption behavior of Se(-II) onto montmorillonite. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were independent of ionic strength. The ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were nearly constant between pH 8-11, while the value decreased around pH 12. The aqueous species of Se(-II) were stable in 7d, and hydroselenide (HSe$$^{-}$$) was the dominant species at pH 8; whereas, polyselenide (Se$$_{3}$$$$^{2-}$$, Se$$_{4}$$$$^{2-}$$) increased with the increase of pH. These behavior implies that Se(-II) sorption onto the edge site of montmorillonite by complexation is not a dominant sorption mechanism. The XANES spectra indicate that Se in the collected solid phase exists as Se(0). These results suggest that the ${it K$_{d}$}$ values were independence of ionic strength and pH due to the oxidation and precipitation of Se by contacting montmorillonite in this work.



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