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Report No.

Dry cleaning process test for fuel assembly of fast reactor plant system

Kato, Atsushi ; Nagai, Keiichi ; Ara, Kuniaki ; Otaka, Masahiko; Oka, Nobuki*; Tanaka, Masako*; Otani, Yuichi*; Ide, Akihiro*

In a fuel handling system (FHS) of a sodium-cooled fast reactor, it is necessary to reduce residual sodium on a spent fuel subassembly before storing at a spent fuel water-pool (SFP) in order to minimize design loads. Although the wet cleaning process adopted on MONJU could eliminate almost all of residual sodium, a large amount of radioactive liquid waste occurs and it needs long duration of cleaning treatment and large plant commodities. On the other hand, Japan sodium-cooled fast reactor adopted an advanced dry cleaning system which consists of roughly blowing massive sodium on the fuel subassembly out by 300$$^{circ}$$C argon gas, inactivation of residual sodium to NaOH by moist argon gas and directly immersion into the SFP to achieve economic competitiveness and waste reduction. This paper reports current status of recent R&D activities to demonstrate a performance of the dry cleaning process in Japan which are for improvement of the cleaning performance and optimizing the FHS design.



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