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$$Xi_c gamma rightarrowXi^prime_c$$ transition in lattice QCD

Bahtlyar, H.*; Can, K. U.*; Erkol, G.*; Oka, Makoto   ; Takahashi, Toru*

We evaluate the electromagnetic $$Xi_c gamma rightarrowXi_c^prime$$ transition on 2+1 flavor lattices corresponding to a pion mass of $$sim 156$$ MeV. We extract the magnetic Sachs and Pauli form factors which give the $$Xi_c$$-$$Xi_c^prime$$ transition magnetic moment and the decay rates of $$Xi_c^prime$$ baryons. We did not find a signal for the magnetic form factor of the neutral transition $$Xi_c^0 gamma rightarrowXi_c^{prime 0}$$, which is suppressed by the U-spin flavor symmetry. As a byproduct, we extract the magnetic form factors and the magnetic moments of $$Xi_c$$ and $$Xi_c^prime$$ baryons, which give an insight to the dynamics of $$u/d$$, $$s$$ and $$c$$ quarks having masses at different scales.



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Category:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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