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Report No.

Non-contact and selective Pd separation based on laser-induced photoreduction for determination of $$^{107}$$Pd by ICP-MS; The Relation between separation conditions and Pd recovery

Yomogida, Takumi   ; Asai, Shiho; Saeki, Morihisa*; Hanzawa, Yukiko  ; Horita, Takuma ; Esaka, Fumitaka  ; Oba, Hironori*  ; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  

Palladium-107 is a long-lived fission product, which can be found in high-level radioactive liquid wastes (HLLW). Determination of the $$^{107}$$Pd contents in HLLW is essential to evaluate the long-term safety of HLLW repositories. However, the $$^{107}$$Pd content in HLLW has not been reported because of difficulties in pretreatment for the measurement. In this study, we investigated applicability of laser-induced photoreduction to HLLW solution: it enables a simple and non-contact separation of Pd. The results showed the recovery of 60% was achieved at the conditions: 40% ethanol, 20 min irradiation, 100 mJ of pulse energy. Additionally, major radionuclides and potentially interfering components in ICP-MS were removed from the simulated HLLW over a wide concentration range of Pd from 0.24 to 24 mg L$$^{-1}$$, showing the applicability of the proposed separation technique to HLLW samples.



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Category:Chemistry, Analytical



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