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Benchmark study of DFT with Eu and Np M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts using second-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian

Eu, Npメスバウアー異性体シフトによる2次Douglas-Kroll-Hessハミルトニアンを用いた密度汎関数法のベンチマーク研究

金子 政志   ; 渡邉 雅之   ; 宮下 直*; 中島 覚*

Kaneko, Masashi; Watanabe, Masayuki; Miyashita, Sunao*; Nakashima, Satoru*

fブロック化合物に対する密度汎関数計算の精度向上を目指し、$$^{151}$$Eu, $$^{237}$$Npメスバウアー異性体シフトを指標として、二次Douglas-Kroll-Hess(DKH2)ハミルトニアンを用いて相対論密度汎関数法のベンチマーク研究を行った。純粋な密度汎関数法による電子交換相互作用とHartree-Fockによる厳密な電子交換相互作用の混合パラメータを変えて、メスバウアー異性体シフトの実験値に対する平均二乗誤差を比較した。その結果、$$^{151}$$Eu, $$^{237}$$Npメスバウアー異性体シフトに対して、厳密な交換相互作用の割合が、それぞれ30, 60%のときに、平均二乗誤差が最小になることが明らかになった。

We optimized a mixing ratio of exchange energy between pure DFT and exact Hartree-Fock using TPSS exchange-correlation functional to estimate the accurate coordination bonds in f-block complexes by numerically benchmarking with the experimental data of M$"o$ssbauer isomer shifts for $$^{151}$$Eu and $$^{237}$$Np nuclides. Second-order Douglas-Kroll-Hess Hamiltonian with segmented all-electron relativistically contracted basis set was employed to calculate the electron densities at Eu and Np nuclei, i.e. contact densities, for each five complexes for Eu(III) and Np(IV) systems. We compared the root mean square deviation values of their isomer shifts between experiment and calculation by changing the mixing ratio of Hartree-Fock exchange parameter from 0 to 100 % at intervals of 10 %. As the result, it was indicated that the mixing ratio of 30 and 60 % for Eu and Np benchmark systems, respectively, gives the smallest deviation values. Mulliken's spin population analysis indicated that the covalency in the metal-ligand bonds for both Eu and Np complexes decreases with increasing the Hartree-Fock exchange admixture.



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分野:Physics, Atomic, Molecular & Chemical



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