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Report No.

The Fracture behaviors of non-irradiated zircaloy-4 fuel cladding with a pinhole under simulated LOCA conditions

Komiyama, Daisuke; Amaya, Masaki  

In a case where a pinhole leak occurs in a fuel rod incidentally, it is possible that coolant enters the fuel rod through the pinhole. Since knowledge about the behavior of the fuel rod with a pinhole under LOCA condition is limited, semi-integral quench tests consisting of heat-up, isothermal oxidation and quenching processes were performed with non-irradiated fuel cladding tubes with a pinhole in order to investigate the difference in the fracture behaviors between normal and leaker fuels under LOCA condition. Isothermal oxidation temperature and time ranged from 1100 $$^{circ}$$C to 1225 $$^{circ}$$C and 0 seconds to 4200 seconds. Ballooning and rupture during the heat-up process did not occur in the case of test rods with a pinhole. While the existence of the pinhole affected neither the inner-surface-oxidation behavior nor the fracture boundary of the cladding tube, the shape and size of the opening including the pinhole and the rupture opening might affect the rate and amount of steam entering the test rod. Initially injected water affected the inner-surface-oxidation behavior. While the fracture boundary of the test rods with initially injected water tended to be higher than that of the test rods without injected water at short oxidation time, vice versa at longer oxidation time. This tendency may be related to the amount of the steam which remained in or entered the test rod during the test.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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