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ROSA/LSTF test and RELAP5 analyses on PWR cold leg small-break LOCA with accident management measure and PKL counterpart test

Takeda, Takeshi ; Otsu, Iwao 

An experiment using PKL was performed for the OECD/NEA PKL-3 Project as a counterpart to a previous test with LSTF on a cold leg small-break loss-of-coolant accident with an accident management measure in a PWR. The rate of steam generator secondary-side depressurization was controlled to achieve a primary depressurization rate of 200 K/h as a common test condition. In both tests, rapid recovery started in the core collapsed liquid level after loop seal clearing. Some discrepancies appeared between the LSTF and PKL test results for the core collapsed liquid level, the cladding surface temperature, and the primary pressure. The RELAP5/MOD3.3 code indicated a remaining problem in the prediction of primary coolant distribution. Results of uncertainty analysis for the LSTF test clarified the influences of the combination of multiple uncertain parameters on peak cladding temperature within the defined uncertain ranges.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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