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Report No.

Evaluation of irradiation-induced point defect migration energy during neutron irradiation in modified 316 stainless steel

Sekio, Yoshihiro  ; Yamagata, Ichiro ; Akasaka, Naoaki; Sakaguchi, Norihito*

The widths of void denuded zones (VDZs) which were formed near random grain boundaries by neutron irradiation were analyzed in order to perform quantitative evaluations for the irradiation-induced point defect behavior in the modified 316 stainless steel (PNC316) having been developed by JAEA. Namely, the temperature dependence of VDZ width was investigated and vacancy migration energy of the PNC316 steel was estimated from the VDZ width analysis for the neutron-irradiated specimens. The obtained value of vacancy migration energy was estimated as 1.46 eV, which was consistent with that from the exiting method using electron in-situ examination. This indicates that VDZ analysis could be effective method to evaluate especially vacancy migration energy during irradiation, and this would be realized from not in-situ observation but post-irradiation examination in the case of neutron irradiation.



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