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Low-lying dipole strength in $$^{52}$$Cr


静間 俊行*; 早川 岳人*; 大東 出*; 大垣 英明*; 宮本 修治*; 湊 太志   

Shizuma, Toshiyuki*; Hayakawa, Takehito*; Daito, Izuru*; Ogaki, Hideaki*; Miyamoto, Shuji*; Minato, Futoshi

準単色線形偏向光子ビームを用いた核共鳴蛍光散乱実験によって、$$^{52}$$Crの低エネルギー双極子強度を測定した。励起状態のパリティは、入射光子ビームの偏極面における共鳴散乱$$gamma$$線の非対称性により決定した。励起エネルギー7.5MeVから12.1MeVまでの磁気双極子(M1)強度の総和は$$sum B(M1)uparrow=5.64(34) mu_N^2$$、電気双極子(E1)強度は$$sum B(E1)uparrow=73.7(23) times 10^{-3} e^2$$ fm$$^2$$という結果が得られた。観測されたM1とE1強度はSkyrme力を用いた乱雑位相近似法計算と比較を行い、双極子強度分布に対する2粒子2空孔状態とテンソル力の影響を調べた。この結果、2粒子2空孔状態とテンソル力の効果がともに、実験データの遷移強度の和を説明するために必要であることが分かった。

The low-lying dipole strength in $$^{52}$$Cr was measured in nuclear resonance fluorescence experiments using a quasi-monochromatic, linearly polarized photon beam. The parities of the excited dipole states were determined by the intensity asymmetry of resonantly scattered $$gamma$$-rays with respect to the polarization plane of the incident photon beam. The summed magnetic dipole (M1) strength was determined as $$sum B(M1)uparrow=5.64(34) mu_N^2$$ at excitation energies between 7.5 and 12.1 MeV; the summed electric dipole (E1) strength was obtained as $$sum B(E1)uparrow=73.7(23) times 10^{-3} e^2$$ fm$$^2$$. The observed M1 and E1 strengths were compared via random phase approximation calculations using the Skyrme interaction. The effects of 2 particle-2 hole configuration mixing and tensor force on dipole strength distributions were investigated.



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分野:Physics, Nuclear



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