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Report No.

Design loads and structural member modelling to shock-resistant design of buildings

Ikawa, Nozomu*; Mukai, Yoichi*; Nishida, Akemi  ; Hamamoto, Takuji*; Kano, Toshiya*; Ota, Toshiro*; Nakamura, Naohiro*; Komuro, Masato*; Takeuchi, Masato*

Accidental actions on building structures involve impact and explosion loads. The design loads due to impact are determined by experiment data, impact simulation and energetics approach. These loads are presented in the form of load-time (F-t) curves caused by collision and explosion. It is assumed that the structure is rigid and immovable and that impacting body absorbs all the energy (i.e., hard impact condition is supposed), because this assumption gives conservative results in general. Responses of individual structural members directly-subjected to an impulsive load are evaluated. These responses are classified into three types; impulsive response, dynamic response, and quasi-static response. The maximum responses are basically estimated by direct integration method with a single-degree-of-freedom (SDOF) model. The procedure of the SDOF modelling based on the classification of types of members and failure modes is proposed in AIJ guideline.



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