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Report No.

Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project; Investigation program for the 2017 fiscal year

Hanamuro, Takahiro  

As part of the research and development program on geological disposal of high-level radioactive waste (HLW), the Horonobe Underground Research Center, a division of the Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), is implementing the Horonobe Underground Research Laboratory Project (Horonobe URL Project) with the aim at investigating sedimentary rock formations. According to the research plan described in the 3rd Mid- and Long-term Plan of JAEA, according to the Horonobe URL Project, "Near-field performance study", "Demonstration of repository design option", and "Verification of crustal-movement buffering capacity of sedimentary rocks" are the top priority issues, and schedule for finishing the project and backfill plan will be decides by the end of 2019 Fiscal Year. The Horonobe URL Project is planned to extend over a period of about 20 years. This report summarizes the investigation program for the 2017 fiscal year (2017/2018).



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