Language |
: | English |
Journal |
: | |
Volume |
: | 189 |
Number |
: | |
Pages |
: | p.93 - 99 |
Publication Year/Month |
: | 2018/01 |
Paper URL |
: |
Keywords |
: | Integral Experiments; Uranium; Pb; Reactivity Worths; Comet Critical Assembly; Monte Carlo; JENDL-4.0; ENDF/B-VII.1 |
Article of JAEA R&D Review |
: | Improving the Reliability of Nuclear-Characteristics Prediction for Accelerator-Driven Systems; Critical Experiment to Validate Nuclear-Data for Lead-Coolant on a Critical Assembly in the United States[ |
Cooperating Institute |
: |
Accesses |
: |
- Accesses |
InCites™ |
: |
Percentile:62.92 Category:Nuclear Science & Technology |
Altmetrics |
: |
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