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Report No.

An Approach for remote nondestructive testing method for concrete structure using laser-generated ultrasonic

Furusawa, Akinori   ; Nishimura, Akihiko  ; Takenaka, Yusuke*; Nakamura, Kaori*

Testing of concrete structures in NPPs is needed to guarantee hereafter workability. Recent work says Core Concrete Reaction advances erosion of the concrete structures of Fukushima NPPs and it's difficult to estimate the correct depth of CCR. In addition, it is clear that seawater intrusion makes the rebar in the concrete structures corroded, thus, advanced remote testing methods for the deterioration should be considered. Gap or decrease of the adhesiveness between rebar and outer concrete appears in its deterioration process. We had a sense of possibility introducing a new testing method based on that. The concept is to propagate laser-excited ultrasonic gathering the information about the deterioration inside and received at distance with LDV. In this work, we investigate and report how it has the effect on propagating ultrasonic along the rebar to decrease adhesiveness between the rebar and the concrete experimentally.



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