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Report No.

Application of FE-SEM to the measurement of U, Pu, Am in the irradiated MA-MOX fuel

Sasaki, Shinji  ; Tanno, Takashi  ; Maeda, Koji  

During irradiation in a fast reactor, the microstructure change of the mixed oxide fuels and the changes of element distributions occur because of a radial temperature gradient. Therefore, it is important to study the irradiation behavior of MA-MOX for advancement of fast reactor fuels. In order to make detailed observations of microstructure and elemental analyses of MA-MOX, irradiated MA-MOX specimens were carried out PIE by using a FE-SEM equipped with WDX. Because fuel samples have high radio activities and emit alpha-particles, the instrument was modified. the instrument was installed in a lead shield box and the control unit was separately located outside the box. The microstructure changes were observed in irradiated MA-MOX specimen. The characteristic X-rays peaks were detected successfully. By measuring the intensities of characteristic X-rays, it was tried quantitative analysis of U, Pu, Am along radial direction of irradiated specimen.



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