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Report No.

Spectroscopic experiment of $$Lambda(1405)$$ via the in-flight $$d(K^-, n)$$ reaction at J-PARC K1.8BR

Kawasaki, Shingo*; Hashimoto, Tadashi*   ; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; 59 of others*

Experimental investigation of $$Lambda(1405)$$ via the in-flight $$d(K^-, n)$$ reaction is being performed at the J-PARC K1.8BR beam-line (J-PARC E31). The first E31 physics run was carried out in June, 2016. About $$2.7 times 10^{10}$$ kaons were irradiated on the deuteron target. The missing mass spectra of the $$d(K^-, n)$$"$$Sigma^{ mp }pi^{pm}$$" reactions were measured. The difference between the two spectra was observed clearly, which tells us the existence of the interference term between the isospin $$I$$ = 0 and 1 amplitudes. The missing mass spectrum of the $$d(K^-, p)$$"$$Sigma^0pi^-$$" reaction was also measured, which gives the information on the $$I$$ =1 amplitude. The identification of the $$d(K^-, n)$$"$$Sigma^0pi^0$$" reaction seems successful.



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