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Report No.

Study of the magnetization distribution in a grain-oriented magnetic steel using pulsed polarized neutron imaging

Hiroi, Kosuke  ; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Hayashida, Hirotoshi*; Parker, J. D.*; Su, Y. H.  ; Oikawa, Kenichi   ; Kai, Tetsuya   ; Kiyanagi, Yoshiaki*

Grain oriented magnetic steel is widely used as a key material for magnetic industrial products. Since magnetic properties of steels are closely related to its magnetic domain structure, observation of the domain structure is important for understanding its magnetic properties. In this study, we attempted to observe the domain structure of a grain oriented steel using polarized pulsed neutron imaging. In the experiment, we first magnetized the sample by applying a magnetic field along the easy-to-magnetize direction via a coil, and confirmed the sample was magnetized almost uniformly from the obtained polarization distribution images. By analyzing the oscillatory behavior in the wavelength dependence of polarization, magnetization of the steel was estimated to be 1.82 T. Then, we removed the field and performed the same measurement. As a result, a striped domain structure was observed, with neighboring domains aligned anti-parallel to each other. From these results, it was demonstrated that our magnetic imaging method could visualize the magnetization and the direction of the domains in the practical steel.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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