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Liquid-like thermal conduction in intercalated layered crystalline solids

Li, B.

I will attend International Conference of Neutron Scattering 2017 in Daejeon, South Korea. The conference is the most popular one among the international neutron scattering community. The main content of this trip is as follows. To introduce the neutron scattering user program in J-PARC. This conference is great chance to introduce our facilities to the attendees from all over the world. It is expected to have broad discussion with those who are interested in our facilities. To report our latest study of AgCrSe$$_{2}$$. In this work, by combining X-ray and neutron scattering as well as density-functional-theory calculations, we provide a comprehensive picture of atomic dynamics. Most importantly, we have found a crystal can behave as a liquid in its thermal conduction. This property is brand new and may be helpful for future design of thermoelectric materials.



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