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Report No.

Joint Session of Sigma Special Advisory Committee, Nuclear Data Subcommittee, and Reactor Physics Subcommittee; Current status and future perspective of the verification and validation (V&V) of JENDL and neutronics calculation codes by use of the benchmark problems and integral experiments, 5; Status of JENDL development and requests to V&V

Iwamoto, Osamu  

This report is a summary of the Status of JENDL development and requests to V&V presented at Joint Session of Sigma Special Advisory Committee, Nuclear Data Subcommittee, and Reactor Physics Subcommittee, Current Status and Future Perspective of the Verification and Validation (V&V) of JENDL and Neutronics Calculation Codes by use of the Benchmark Problems and Integral Experiments, at 2018 Annual Meeting of Atomic Energy Society of Japan. It describes present status of JENDL development including update file JENDL-4.0u, next version of general purpose file JENDL-5, and special purpose file together with request to V&V for development of JENDL.



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