Development of nuclear transmutation methods for converting LLFP into stable or short-lived nuclides, 15; Level densities of LLFPs and nuclei around LLFPs calculated based on the microscopic structure calculation
Furutachi, Naoya; Minato, Futoshi
; Iwamoto, Osamu

To establish a reasonable nuclear transmutation technology for long-lived fission products (LLFPs), it is important to improve precision of the nuclear data needed for the simulation of the nuclear transmutation. The level density is essential for the nuclear reaction calculation using the statistical model, and it has significant influence on the precision of the nuclear data evaluation. Although a phenomenological model such as Fermi Gas model is used in a usual nuclear data evaluation, it is considered that using a microscopic theory that has predictive power superior to a phenomenological model brings better precision for the nuclear data. In this study, to improve precision of the nuclear data of LLFPs and nuclei around LLFPs, the level densities needed for the nuclear data evaluation of those nuclei were derived based on the microscopic nuclear data calculation. In this derivation, we improved the calculation method to describe prcisely the effect of the deformation change with nuclear excitation. To analyze precision of the nuclear reaction calculation, we compared the cross sections of various reaction channel systematically with the experimental data of stable nuclei.