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Report No.

The ICRU proposal for new operational quantities for external radiation

Otto, T.*; Hertel, N. E.*; Bartlett, D. T.*; Behrens, R.*; Bordy, J.-M.*; Dietze, G.*; Endo, Akira   ; Gualdrini, G.*; Pelliccioni, M.*

Report Committee 26 of the ICRU proposes a set of operational quantities for radiation protection for external radiation, directly based on effective dose and for an extended range of particles and energies. It is accompanied by new quantities for estimating deterministic effects to the eye lens and the local skin. The operational quantities are designed to overcome the conceptual and technical shortcomings of those presently in use. This paper describes the proposed operational quantities, and highlights the improvements with respect to the present legal monitoring quantities.



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Category:Environmental Sciences



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