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Report No.

Geant4 physics process for elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays

Omer, M.  ; Hajima, Ryoichi*

Nuclear resonance fluorescence (NRF) is a promising technique for the non-destructive assay (NDA) of nuclear materials. Its powerfulness is apparent in the highly penetrative $$gamma$$-rays emitted in an isotopic fingerprint of the NRF interactions. However; there exist other interactions that may interfere with the NRF and hence, may limit its accuracy. Of these interactions is the elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays by atoms which needs further investigation and testing. Japan Atomic Energy Agency started in 2015 to develop a NDA system based on the NRF for nuclear non-proliferation and nuclear security purposes. One of the tasks of the current development is assessing the effect of the elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays on NRF measurement. A new simulation code for the elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays has recently been developed in the Geant4 environment. The present JAEA-Data/Code report provides a more detailed description of the simulation code as well as an elaborated illustration of the elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays and its interaction cross sections. This report facilitates user feedback of the simulation code which is indispensable for reaching a stable and reliable simulation. The current report would contribute to better understanding of the elastic scattering of $$gamma$$-rays. This research was implemented under the subsidiary for nuclear security promotion of MEXT.



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