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Report No.

Development of track-structure simulation mode of low energy electrons in PHITS

Kai, Takeshi   ; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   ; Abe, Shinichiro   ; Sato, Tatsuhiko   

A general purpose particle transport simulation code, PHITS can simulate the radiation behavior in arbitrary 3-D systems. Then, this code is applied to researches of several fields which are related to radiation transport phenomena. However, as the code has a cutoff energy of 1 keV for electron transport calculation in materials, it is difficult to study microscopic radiation interaction. To clear the problem, we implemented track structure code into the PHITS to study microscopic behavior of low energy electrons below 1 keV. The implement made it possible to calculate the localized energy deposition of nanoscale by the low energy electrons in materials. Various application studies involved in microscopic radiation interaction such as a DNA damage simulation will be expected using this track-structure simulation mode.



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