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Report No.

Phonon dynamics of NaI investigated by G($$r,E$$) analysis

Nakamura, Mitsutaka   ; Kikuchi, Tatsuya*  ; Kamazawa, Kazuya*; Kawakita, Yukinobu  

The dynamic structure function in real space G($$r,E$$) is deduced from the dynamical structure factor S($$Q,E$$) which can be obtained from inelastic neutron scattering measurement. In this study, we applied the G($$r,E$$) analysis to NaI which is a typical alkali halide crystal. The optic and acoustic phonons of NaI are widely separated in energy because the difference in mass between the constituent atoms is large. These characteristic properties certainly help us to evaluate the G($$r,E$$) features associated with the phonon modes. We measured the S($$Q,E$$) for NaI powder using the Fermi chopper spectrometer 4SEASONS at J-PARC, and converted S($$Q,E$$) into G($$r,E$$) by newly developed software which utilizes the maximum entropy method. Our analysis clearly demonstrated the G($$r,E$$) of TO mode oscillates out of phase with that of LA mode, which is physically reasonable. Further analyses will be given in the presentation.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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