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Report No.

Testing of time-of-flight neutron diffraction imaging using a high-resolution scintillator detector with wavelength-shifting fibers

Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Nakamura, Tatsuya  ; Gong, W.*; Oikawa, Kenichi   

Neutron diffraction is widely used for the investigation of lattice strain, texture and phase transformation in bulk materials. Although the distributions of these characteristics can be obtained by scanning the sample, the spatial resolution of the measurement is limited. Recently, Bragg-edge imaging technique is developed and adopted for the evaluations of lattice strain, crystal orientation and phase distributions in polycrystalline engineering materials such as steel. On the other hand, neutron diffraction imaging has a potential to be another technique for such purpose. Diffraction imaging at a pulsed neutron source requires a counting type two-dimensional position sensitive detector with high spatial resolution. We developed prototype imaging detector with wavelength-shifting fiber (WLSF) readout, and tried to observe sub grains in the b-Sn single crystal and grain distribution in the coarse-grained steel plate at NOBORU (BL10) of J-PARC MLF.



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Category:Physics, Condensed Matter



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