Current status and future view of the fast reactor cycle technology development in Japan
Sagayama, Yutaka
The "Fourth Strategic Energy Plan" of Japan was approved by the Cabinet in April 2014. It states that nuclear energy is an important base-load power source as a low carbon and quasi-domestic source even after the Fukushima accident, and Japan promotes nuclear fuel cycle in terms of the efficient use of resources and volume reduction and mitigation of degree of harmfulness of HLW and carries out fast reactor (FR) cycle R&D for the commercialization, taking advantage of international cooperation. JAEA is conducting several FR cycle R&D primarily focusing on waste reduction and FR safety enhancement utilizing bilateral and multilateral cooperation (ASTRID program, GIF, etc.). JAEA applied for change of reactor installation license for experimental FR Joyo's restart in around 2020 under the new regulatory requirements in March 2017. Meanwhile, the Council on FR Development was established in September 2016 to discuss and prepare a draft paper on policy for FR development. Based on the result, the Inter-Ministerial Council for Nuclear Power decided the new policy and to develop a strategic roadmap by 2018 for realizing the policy. It also decided that Prototype FBR Monju will be decommissioned.