※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Out-of-plane strain induced in a Moir$'e$ superstructure of monolayer MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ on Au(111)


保田 諭   ; 高橋 諒丞*; 逢坂 凌*; 熊谷 諒太*; 宮田 耕充*; 岡田 晋*; 早水 祐平*; 村越 敬*

Yasuda, Satoshi; Takahashi, Ryosuke*; Osaka, Ryo*; Kumagai, Ryota*; Miyata, Yasumitsu*; Okada, Susumu*; Hayamizu, Yuhei*; Murakoshi, Kei*


MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ monolayers are grown on Au surface by chemical vapor deposition and it is demonstrated that the contact with a crystalline Au(111) surface gives rise to only out-of-plane strain in both MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ layers, whereas no strain generation is observed on polycrystalline Au or SiO$$_{2}$$/Si surfaces. Scanning tunneling microscopy analysis provides information regarding consequent specific adsorption sites between lower S (Se) atoms in the S-Mo-S (Se-Mo-Se) structure and Au atoms via unique moir$'e$ superstructure formation for MoS$$_{2}$$ and MoSe$$_{2}$$ layers on Au(111). This observation indicates that the specific adsorption sites give rise to out-of-plane strain in the TMDC layers. Furthermore, it also leads to effective modulation of the electronic structure of the MoS$$_{2}$$ or MoSe$$_{2}$$ layer.



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分野:Chemistry, Multidisciplinary



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