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Report No.

Feasibility study of technology for Pu solution monitoring including FP, 2; Dose rate distribution measurement test inside the cell storing HAW tank

Tokoro, Hayate; Suzuki, Satoshi*; Miyoshi, Ryuta; Sakurai, Yasuhiro; Matsuki, Takuya ; Tsutagi, Koichi ; Sekine, Megumi ; Shimizu, Yasuyuki; Nakamura, Hironobu 

We inserted a newly designed and manufactured thruster into the guide tube of the high active liquid waste storage cell for inspection in the Tokai Reprocessing Plant and measured the dose rate inside the cell. The dose rate distribution measurements using thruster is an unprecedented experiment, we checked job safety, operability of an equipment and relationship between insert distance of dosimeter and measurement position by using isometric scale mock-up equipment in advance. As a result, we implemented dose rate distribution measurement test inside the cell.



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