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Report No.

Experimental study on outer surface cooling of containment vessel by using CIGMA

Shibamoto, Yasuteru ; Ishigaki, Masahiro ; Abe, Satoshi  ; Yonomoto, Taisuke 

The present paper introduces the recent outcome from the CIGMA experiments regarding containment vessel cooling, in which an external side of a vessel upper head was flooded by water. The test vessel was initially pressurized by steam and noncondensable gas (air and/or helium), and was subsequently cooled by pouring water to the outside of the vessel top. Similar experiments were performed by authors using air-steam binary system in the previous study, which showed several characteristic phenomena such as inverse temperature stratification. The experimental conditions were extended systematically in this study to investigate the effects of initial gas composition and distribution in a vessel. The measurement results indicated that natural circulation was significantly affected by distributions of each gas species. In particular, it was enhanced when the gas density became heavier after condensation on the vessel inner wall, while it was suppressed when the gas density became lighter, creating density stratification with helium-rich gas in the upper region. The results are explained by the simplified model.



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