EBSD解析によるステンレス鋼の疲労損傷検出; EBSDパターンクオリティの適用性
Detection of fatigue damage in stainless steel by EBSD analysis; Applicability of EBSD pattern quality
黒田 雅利*; 釜谷 昌幸*; 山田 輝明*; 秋田 貢一
Kuroda, Masatoshi*; Kamaya, Masayuki*; Yamada, Teruaki*; Akita, Koichi
これまでに、電子後方散乱回折(EBSD)測定により得られる結晶方位データを解析することで得られる平均局所方位差(Averaged Local Misorientation, Mave)(Kamaya, 2009)とオーステナイト系ステンレス鋼の低サイクル疲労の損傷量との間に相関があることを報告している。ここでは、実用上の観点から、Maveと、市販ソフトウエアで得られるイメージクオリティ(Image Quality: IQ)とを比較することで、IQの疲労損傷評価に対する適用性について検討し、各パラメータの有用性と特徴を明らかにした。また、X線回折(X-Ray Diffraction: XRD)測定も実施し、得られたXRDデータとIQ値分布とを比較することで、疲労損傷の蓄積に伴うIQ値分布の変化はすべり変形によりもたらされたことを示した。
In order to assess the fatigue damage of austenitic stainless steels by electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) method more simply and easily, it should be more preferable to use a commercially available general-purpose EBSD analysis software rather than to employ an in-house developed EBSD analysis programme. In the present study, EBSD measurement was performed for Type 316 austenitic stainless steels subjected to cyclic loading, and the applicability of the EBSD parameter relevant to the pattern quality, which could be obtained by the commercial software, to the fatigue damage assessment was discussed by comparing the other EBSD parameter of the averaged local misorientation (Mave), which could be calculated by the in-house developed programme. As a result, the EBSD parameter relevant to the pattern quality, which signified the full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the histogram distribution of the image quality (IQ), was saturated at the beginning stage of the fatigue cycles, while Mave was increased monotonically with the cycles. This suggested that the FWHM of IQ could be useful to detect the initial stage of the fatigue damage, while Mave was suitable for the quantitative evaluation of the fatigue damage. XRD measurement was also carried out for the same samples employed in the EBSD measurement, and the XRD data was compared with the EBSD data to discuss the crystallographic mechanism of the change in the FWHM of IQ. As a result, it was found that the FWHM of the (111) XRD peak correlated well with the FWHM of IQ. Because the (111) plane in fcc metal such as austenitic stainless steel was most preferable for slip system, this implied that the change in the distribution of the pattern quality generated by the fatigue loading could be due to the slip deformation.