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Report No.

Evaluation of thermal stress and buckling analysis for ADS beam window design

Eguchi, Yuta ; Sugawara, Takanori  ; Obayashi, Hironari  ; Iwamoto, Hiroki   ; Tsujimoto, Kazufumi 

Beam window which is important structure relate feasibility of accelerator driven transmutation system (ADS) is boundary between accelerator and subcriticality core, and is affected by external pressure and corrosion by LBE, and thermal stress caused by heat generation by proton beam. In previous work, geometry of beam window is complicated and has manufacturing issues. In this evaluation, to show hemisphere geometry which is simpler, coupled analysis (thermal hydraulics, structure etc.) considering beam window radius and thickness are performed and the results are evaluated. As a result, it was confirmed that the Mises stress value considering thermal stress fit within elastic range under all conditions of beam window radius and thickness. And also about buckling stress, evaluated beam window radius and thickness was satisfied design stress considering safety factor. By this evaluation, beam window design condition which is more feasible than before were obtained. This research is the result of "Research and development for solving engineering problems of transmutation cycle by accelerator driven subcritical system" conducted by nuclear power system research and development project by MEXT.



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