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Report No.

Characteristics of TPDN/SiO$$_{2}$$-P adsorbent for MA(III) recovery

Kofuji, Hirohide  ; Watanabe, So  ; Takeuchi, Masayuki ; Suzuki, Hideya; Matsumura, Tatsuro  ; Shiwaku, Hideaki   ; Yaita, Tsuyoshi

Applicability of newly developed MA(III)/RE(III) separation extractant TPDN for the extractionchromatography technology was evaluated through series of fundamental characterizations. The adsorbentselectively extract $$^{241}$$Am from diluted high level liquid waste and sufficient performance for MA(III)/RE(III)separation process was confirmed. Durability and behavior in the vitrification process of the adsorbent alsosuggested that the new adsorbent can be employed as a material for reprocessing of spent fuels.



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