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Report No.

An Experimental study on the fragmentation and accompanying cooling behaviors of a simulated molten oxide fuel penetrating into a sodium pool

Matsuba, Kenichi  ; Kamiyama, Kenji  ; Toyooka, Junichi  ; Zuev, V. A.*; Kolodeshnikov, A. A.*

To clarify jet fragmentation and accompanying cooling behaviors of molten core materials discharged into sodium, results of the out-of-pile experiments with a simulant material (Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$) were analyzed. The results clarified that while Al$$_{2}$$O$$_{3}$$ jets were entirely fragmented into smaller particles during their penetration to several tenths of a meter in depth of sodium, an additional significant distance was needed to cool down the particles to the degree that thermal loading on the steel structures could be neglected. Based on the results, it is concluded that in terms of the reduction of thermal load on the lower structures in the reactor vessels, the cooling distance after fragmentation should be treated.



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