Atomistic study of interaction between a dislocation and a defect cluster in BCC-Fe
早川 頌; 沖田 泰良*; 板倉 充洋
; Haixuan, X.*; Osetsky, Y.*
Hayakawa, Sho; Okita, Taira*; Itakura, Mitsuhiro; Haixuan, X.*; Osetsky, Y.*
In this research we have constructed an atomistic model of three-dimensional motion of an interstitial cluster via a conservative climb toward a dislocation, which is a key process for void swelling, one of the serious material degradation for nuclear power plant. We also conducted a comparison of results obtained by the model with that by the molecular dynamics. Details of the prediction model and the comparison results will be given in the presentation. This study leads to provide new atomistic insight about the three-dimensional motion of an interstitial cluster, which had been unclear for a long time, and would certainly contribute to the prediction model of mechanical property degradation of nuclear materials.