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Pair distribution function analysis of nanostructural deformation of calcium silicate hydrate under compressive stress

Bae, S.*; Jee, H.*; Kanematsu, Manabu*; Shiro, Ayumi*; Machida, Akihiko*; Watanuki, Tetsu*; Shobu, Takahisa  ; Suzuki, Hiroshi  

Despite enormous interest in calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H), its detailed atomic structure and intrinsic deformation under an external load are lacking. This study demonstrates the nanostructural deformation process of C-S-H in tricalcium silicate (C$$_{3}$$S) paste as a function of applied stress by interpreting atomic pair distribution function (PDF) based on in situ X-ray scattering. Three different strains in C$$_{3}$$S paste under compression were compared using a strain gauge and the real and reciprocal space PDFs. PDF refinement revealed that the C-S-H phase mostly contributed to PDF from 0 to 20${AA}$ whereas crystalline phases dominated that beyond 20${AA}$. The short-range atomic strains exhibited two regions for C-S-H: I) plastic deformation (0-10 MPa) and II) linear elastic deformation ($$>$$10 MPa), whereas the long-range deformation beyond 20${AA}$ was similar to that of Ca(OH)$$_{2}$$. Below 10 MPa, the short-range strain was caused by the densification of C-S-H induced by the removal of interlayer or gel-pore water. The strain is likely to be recovered when the removed water returns to C-S-H.



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Category:Materials Science, Ceramics



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