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Report No.

Delayed gamma-ray spectroscopy inverse Monte Carlo analysis method for nuclear safeguards nondestructive assay applications

Rodriguez, D. ; Rossi, F. ; Seya, Michio; Koizumi, Mitsuo 

The JAEA and EC JRC are collaborating to improve the ability to quantify the uranium and plutonium content of highly radioactive and mixed nuclear material for nuclear safeguards verification. A separate program focuses on improving the capability to measure, analyze, and predict the delayed gamma-ray spectrum used to determine the nuclide ratios within a sample. Measurements performed at the JRC-Ispra are used to correlate the observed DGs to the composition that are then used to calibrate a DG Monte Carlo. The MC has the ability to predict expected DGs, provide a sensitivity analysis to optimize future measurements, and can be used to analyze a spectrum using an inverse MC technique. Analyzing MC with this IMC analysis provides a way to determine systematic uncertainty as well as statistical uncertainty when multiple measurements are not feasible. This work will describe the efforts to develop the DGSMC and how it will be utilized for current and future applications.



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