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Report No.

Measurements and evaluations of air dose rates around Fukushima, 4; Practical aspects of air dose rate measurements in the environment

Tsuda, Shuichi  ; Yoshida, Tadayoshi ; Ando, Masaki  ; Matsuda, Norihiro  ; Mikami, Satoshi   ; Tanigaki, Minoru*; Okumura, Ryo*; Takamiya, Koichi*; Sato, Nobuhiro*; Seki, Akiyuki   ; Takemiya, Hiroshi; Saito, Kimiaki  

This article provides practically useful information on air dose rate measurements in the environments. The basic requirements for the accurate measurements are described giving actual data. The characteristics and some measured results are shown for reliable methods which are widely used in the environmental radiation measurements. Further, information is given on internet sites where air dose rates and related data obtained by official organizations can be browsed.



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