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Report No.

A Study on self-terminating behavior of sodium-concrete reaction, 2

Kawaguchi, Munemichi   ; Miyahara, Shinya  ; Uno, Masayoshi*

As parts of severe accident studies in sodium-cooled fast reactor, experiments were performed to investigate the termination mechanism of sodium-concrete reaction (SCR). In the experiment, the reaction time was controlled to investigate the distribution change of sodium (Na) and the reaction products in the pool and around the reaction front. In the results, the Na around the reaction front decreased from the enough amount with the reaction time. The concentrations were 18-24 wt.% for Na, and 22-18 wt.% for Si after the termination. From the thermodynamics calculations, the stable materials around the reaction front comprised more than 90 wt.% solid products such as Na$$_{2}$$SiO$$_{3}$$, and no Na. Further, the distribution of Na and reaction products could be explained by a steady-state sedimentation-diffusion model. At the early stage of SCR, the reaction products were suspended as particles in the Na pool because of the high H$$_{2}$$-generation rate. As the concrete ablation proceeds, they start settling down due to the decreased H$$_{2}$$-generation rate, thereby allowing SCR termination. It was concluded that SCR termination was caused by the sediment of the reaction products and the lack of Na around the reaction front.



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Category:Nuclear Science & Technology



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