複数同位体の同時測定による高精度希ガス同位体分析; 地下水年代測定法の実用化に向けて
High-precision noble gas isotope analysis using multi collector noble gas mass spectrometer; Study toward practical use of noble gas method for age determination of groundwater
國分 陽子
; 田村 肇*; 横山 立憲

Kokubu, Yoko; Tamura, Hajimu*; Yokoyama, Tatsunori
High precision noble gas isotope analysis of groundwater is useful to estimate age and origin of groundwater. This study presents measurement of isotope ratio using a multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer with six collectors and an auto noble gas purification instrument. The results of measurement of neon and helium in trial samples suggest that the mass spectrometer with high precision enable the noble gas isotope analysis of groundwater.