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Report No.

Sensor database for SLAM research aimed at Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning

Yamada, Taichi 

In Fukushima Daiichi decommissioning, SLAM is one of key technologies. Robots work for the investigation of nuclear reactor buildings. To obtain the detail of nuclear reactor building, robots should recognize self-position and orientation. Since, SLAM is required to estimate self-position and orientation. Though, there are 2 problems for SLAM research in Fukushima Daiichi. One is that a lot of environment where robots work in Fukushima Daiichi is uncertain. SLAM performance is depend on the environment because SLAM needs landmarks in the environment for localization. Another one is that suitable robot specification for these environment is indefinite. For this reason, it is also indefinite what SLAM method is applicable for the robot. These problem make difficult to develop SLAM method for Fukushima Daiichi. Thus, we develop a sensor database as the research base for SLAM in Fukushima Daiichi. Like image databases for image processing, with the sensor database, many researchers are able to easily study SLAM. This paper describes the specification of this sensor database and a method for recording.



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