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Report No.

Development of operation training function of remote control device for decommissioning using VR system

Ito, Rintaro; Suzuki, Kenta ; Horiuchi, Kazunori; Kawabata, Kuniaki   ; Kawatsuma, Shinji; Suzuki, Hiroyuki*; Dekura, Toshinori*

This paper, describe the development of the operation training function for repair work of leakage part of reactor primary containment vessel by remotely operated manipulator using VR. Remote operation of the manipulator with limited feedback information is difficult and therefore prior operation proficiency training is important to complete such difficult task safely. Therefore, we are developing an operation training function that enables the operator not only to perform operation training, but also to confirm the operation of the remote control device actually operated by himself in the actual size and three-dimensionally in the VR space. In this paper, we reported current status of the development and recent improvements for operation training function.



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