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Report No.

Status and plan of RIA study at JAEA

Mihara, Takeshi  

JAEA launched ALPS-II program in 2010 in order to obtain regulatory data for advanced fuels. Post-irradiation examinations of reactivity-initiated accident (RIA) simulated tests on the advanced fuels (VA-5, -6, -7, -8) have been performed. VA-5, -7 and VA-6, -8 were 17$$times$$17-PWR-type fuels with stress-relieved and recrystallized M-MDA cladding tubes, respectively, and irradiated to 80 GWd/tU. Comparison of metallographs between VA-5 and VA-6 suggests that that the radial propagation direction caused by radial hydride precipitates for RX cladding is the reason for the lower failure enthalpy increase. The diameter change of VA-7 shows that the deformation of fuel cladding was affected by the increase of rod internal gas pressure during the RIA test. Appearance and X-ray radiograph of VA-8 show that the fuel pellets were not released from the inside of the cladding.



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