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Report No.

Metal extractions by diglycolamide-type tridentate ligands

Sasaki, Yuji  ; Morita, Keisuke ; Saeki, Morihisa*; Hisamatsu, Shugo*; Yoshizuka, Kazuharu*

Three tridentate extractants including soft and hard donor has been developed and examined. The extractants are termed as $$N, N, N', N'$$-tetraoctyl-diglycolamide (TODGA), methylimino-$$N, N'$$-dioctylacetamide (MIDOA) and $$N, N, N', N'$$-tetraoctyl-thiodiglycolamide (TDGA). The results of the present study show that TODGA can extract completely lanthanides and actinides, MIDOA can extract palladium, technetium, and rhenium, and TDGA can extract palladium, silver, and gold. We can compare the distribution ratios of these metals by TODGA, MIDOA, and TDGA. These results can be supported by some spectrometric studies, i.e., IR, NMR and UV, and calculations of metal complexes.



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