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Report No.

Structural analysis of electrode-electrolyte interface in lithium batteries

Kanno, Ryoji*; Hirayama, Masaaki*; Suzuki, Kota*; Tamura, Kazuhisa   

Batteries are a key technology in today's society. Since the lithium-ion configuration has been widely accepted, significant efforts have been devoted to attain high energy and power densities to produce an excellent energy storage system without any safety issue. To improve the reliability and power characteristics of batteries, deep insights into the reactions at the electrode/electrolyte interface are necessary. The model systems with epitaxial thin-film electrodes might be suitable for understanding these reactions. The in situ techniques for directly observing surface structural changes of the electrodes have been developed for surface X-ray scattering and neutron reflectivity techniques. These techniques are reviewed and future studies on the interfacial reaction in batteries will be discussed.



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