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Report No.

Missing-mass spectroscopy with the $$^6$$Li$$(pi^-,K^+)X$$ reaction to search for $$^6_Lambda$$H

Honda, Ryotaro*; Hasegawa, Shoichi   ; Hayakawa, Shuhei; Hosomi, Kenji  ; Ichikawa, Yudai   ; Imai, Kenichi; Nagamiya, Shoji; Sako, Hiroyuki   ; Sato, Susumu  ; Sugimura, Hitoshi; Tanida, Kiyoshi   ; 55 of others*

We searched for the bound state of the neutron-rich $$Lambda$$-hypernucleus $$^6_Lambda$$H, using the $$^6$$Li$$(pi^-,K^+)X$$ double charge-exchange reaction at a $$pi^-$$ beam momentum of 1.2 GeV/$$c$$ at J-PARC. A total of $$1.4 times 10^{12}$$ $$pi^-$$ was driven onto a $$^6$$Li target of 3.5 g/cm$$^2$$ thickness. No event was observed below the bound threshold, i.e., the mass of $$^4_Lambda$$H+$$2n$$, in the missing-mass spectrum of the $$^6$$Li$$(pi^-,K^+)X$$ reaction in the $$2^{circ} < theta_{pi K} <20^{circ}$$ angular range. Furthermore, no event was found up to 2.8 MeV/c$$^2$$ above the bound threshold.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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