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Report No.

Comparison of heavy-ion transport simulations; Collision integral in a box

Zhang, Y.-X.*; Wang, Y,-J.*; Colonna, M.*; Danielewicz, P.*; Ono, Akira*; Tsang, M. B.*; Wolter, H.*; Xu, J.*; Chen, L.-W.*; Cozma, D.*; Feng, Z.-Q.*; Das Gupta, S.*; Ikeno, Natsumi*; Ko, C.-M.*; Li, B.-A.*; Li, Q.-F.*; Li, Z.-X.*; Mallik, S.*; Nara, Yasushi*; Ogawa, Tatsuhiko   ; Onishi, Akira*; Oliinychenko, D.*; Papa, M.*; Petersen, H.*; Su, J.*; Song, T.*; Weil, J.*; Wang, N.*; Zhang, F.-S.*; Zhang, Z.*

International comparison of heavy-ion induced reaction models were discussed in the international conference "Transport2017" held in April 2017. Owing to their importance for safety assessment of heavy-ion accelerators and dosimetry of astronauts, various models to simulate heavy-ion induced reaction models are developed. This study is intended to clarify the difference among them to pinpoint their problems. In the comparison study, 320 protons and 320 neutrons were packed in a 20-fm-large cube to calculate the number of particle-particle collisions as well as the energies of collisions during the time evolution. In addition to the calculation, their algorithms were compared. The author contributed to this study by running calculation using JQMD (JAERI Quantum Molecular Dynamics). The results were compared with those calculated by the other 15 codes from over the world. Algorithm comparison showed that JQMD calculates collision probabilities from protons at first and collisions by neutrons are simulated later, which might be unreasonable. On the other hand, it was clarified that the calculation by JQMD agrees with those by the others. Despite the fact that some codes deviate from the average by a factor of 2, JQMD exhibited stable performance.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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