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Report No.

Dipole strength distribution in $$^{206}$$Pb for the evaluation of the neutron capture cross section of $$^{205}$$Pb

Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki  ; Makinaga, Ayano*; Massarczyk, R.*; Schwengner, R.*; Beyer, R.*; Bemmerer, D.*; Dietz, M.*; Junghans, A.*; K$"o$gler, T.*; Ludwig, F.*; Reinicke, S.*; Schulz, S.*; Urla${ss}$, S.*; Wagner, A.*

The dipole strength distribution of $$^{206}$$Pb was investigated via a nuclear resonance fluorescence experiment using bremsstrahlung produced with an electron beam at a kinetic energy of 10.5 MeV at the linear accelerator ELBE. We identified 88 states resonantly excited at energies from 3.7 to 8.2 MeV. The photo-absorption cross sections were extracted from the measured scattering cross sections and the branching ratios. The present ($$gamma$$,$$gamma'$$) data combined with ($$gamma$$,$$n$$) data from the literature were used as an input to the statistical calculation code CCONE to evaluate the neutron capture cross section of the unstable $$^{205}$$Pb nucleus.



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Category:Physics, Nuclear



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