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Report No.

Preparation of Sr adsorption fiber for beta-ray measurement

Horita, Takuma ; Asai, Shiho; Hanzawa, Yukiko  ; Saito, Kyoichi*; Sugo, Takanobu*; Fujiwara, Kunio*; Kitatsuji, Yoshihiro  

There has been an increasing importance of the development of rapid $$^{90}$$Sr analysis technique, responding to needs in Fukushima Daiichi NPP. We have been trying to achieve a rapid analysis using a fibrous Sr adsorbent which has high selectivity for Sr$$^{2+}$$. The fiber we prepared that has a high-density Sr adsorption phase on its surface, and so it can adsorb Sr$$^{2+}$$ on the fiber surface. On the other hand, base material of a conventional Sr adsorptive resin for $$^{90}$$Sr analysis (Sr Resin) is bead-shaped resin, and $$^{90}$$Sr is adsorbed inside pores. The fiber allows highly efficient $$beta$$ counting by minimizing the self-attenuation effects. The adsorption capacity and selectivity of the fiber was nearly the same as those of the Sr Resin. From these results, we confirmed that the fiber has performance for efficient $$beta$$ counting of $$^{90}$$Sr.



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