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Report No.

Microstructural characterization of a Japanese sword using neutron diffraction

Harjo, S.   ; Kawasaki, Takuro   ; Shinohara, Takenao   ; Grazzi, F.*

Japanese swords are paid great admiration in the world as the honour of classical technology and of the beautiful art. A mapping measurement using pulsed neutron diffraction (ND) with time-of-flight (TOF) method is suitable for the non-destructive microstructural studies in Japanese swords because of the high penetration ability of neutron and the simultaneous measurement of multiple Bragg peaks. The microstructural observation in a Japanese sword made in Keicho era (1596-1615) was performed by an ND mapping using TAKUMI, a TOF neutron diffractometer for engineering materials studies at J-PARC. The distributions of phase, lattice constant, residual strain, phase fraction, dislocation density and crystallite size were evaluated from the ND patterns. The details will be reported.



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