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Report No.

Heating characteristics of high dielectric solution by microwave heating

Fujita, Shunya*; Abe, Yutaka*; Kaneko, Akiko*; Yuasa, Tomohisa*; Segawa, Tomoomi ; Kato, Yoshiyuki ; Yamada, Yoshikazu 

A mixed solution of uranyl nitrate and plutonium nitrate is converted to MOX raw powder by the microwave heating de-nitration method in nuclear fuel reprocessing. Since the microwave heating causes a boiling phenomenon, it is necessary to sufficiently confirm operating conditions to prevent flushing and overflow phenomena of solution, and it is necessary to evaluate the influence of the dielectric property of the object on the microwave heating characteristics and to optimize the equipment and operating conditions. In this study, the visualization observation using a potassium chloride aqueous solution and agar as a high dielectric constant solution and evaluation of a heating portion, and the electromagnetic field analysis are performed for the purpose of evaluating the influence of the dielectric constant of the material and the installation position on microwave heating characteristics.



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